lunedì 28 gennaio 2008

Thought5_interaction design


The task for this week is to develop new mobile services to increase conscientious behaviour in shopping, knowing that with conscience we mean “the ability that distinguishes whether our actions are right or wrong.
Me, Marianne and Gunnar thought to a system that gives power to the customers, a kind of underground structure where everyone can say freely what he thinks about a product and he can communicate it to others without any censorship.
Main points of the project are:
- it is concentrated on users
- it is underground
- the contribution to it is free (it gets something social)
- fighting the marketing
- secret but always visible (people get curious about it and maybe they join it)

Thought4_interaction design

On Friday we have been presenting our project to the teachers and the class.
It was actually the first time we were trying our game, so it was something new also for us.
As a general feedback we got that the game was funny, but at the same time a bit annoying! The process of reading the questions and other information was a bit problematic and not too clear. We should have given more importance to some elements in the graphic.
But a good point that the teacher underlined is that we took a different directions, removing people from the RFID interaction. He defined our choice as “refreshing”, because we made it less obvious to make understand that it was a RFID interaction and we gave importance to the physical part of the game.
In conclusion if we make it easier it is going to be more fun!

mercoledì 23 gennaio 2008

Today's work...

Thought3_interaction design

Our RFID game!
Now is time for us to create something through the RFID technology! :-)
We have to create a tag that is going to be read from the reader and something should happen on the screen!
Yesterday we came out with making a quiz game! A question is going to appear on the screen, with 3 possible answers. Every answer has a colour. Then we are going to have tags which are placed around in the room. They are 9. They are going to be like 3 red, 3 green and 3 yellow, for example…and there are 3 players! Everyone is going to have a long stick to reach the correct tag and place it on the reader! The first who is going to do this wins! (of course if the answer is the correct one!)
Now we have to develop the idea…we are thinking to the tags and stick shapes and materials!
Yesterday we did some experiments about this.

martedì 22 gennaio 2008

Thought 2_Interaction design

This week we are working with RFID technology...Something that I realized I have experienced already in my life, but that I didn’t know that much about! I remember when I was living in London I had an Oyster card. That was actually a very good method to pay the underground entrance. You top up your card and every time you use the public transportation, they take some money from the Oyster through RFID technology. You simply touch a reader with your card, and you pay.
During the lectures we also saw that in the Far East this technology is used through the mobile phone. Instead that touching the reader with a card, you pay touching the reader with your mobile phone (that needs of course to have a RFID tag inside).

lunedì 21 gennaio 2008

Thought 1_Interaction design

As a first task, last week, we have been reading literature about interaction design.
It was an overview about the history and contemporary practice of this field.
We had to pick out with five words or concepts that for us were interesting related to the different texts.
Natacha and I choose the words: “people”, “skills”, “information technology”, “products and us” and “context”.
The last concept according to me was the most valuable. We looked at the literature through that point of view and I think we came out with some interesting considerations.

Of course the context is a basic point for interaction design, but when we are talking about fictional products that becomes vital. Fictional products are those that don’t exist for real, but we can visualize them because of prototyping and to diffuse them through internet.
So people are able to create and spread these ideas thanks to the computer. If that wouldn’t exist, these concepts maybe would never been generated.

In the article “ Cultural Probes and the value of uncertainty “ the designers from the Royal College of Art tried to understand better the users involving them in the research phase, asking them to interact with their own house and analyzing the relationship with it and happening inside it.
In this case they used interaction design to understand the customers and to create new products. So they used interaction design to produce industrial design, having as a context the house and the family.

The role of context is very relevant also in the study made in Tokyo, Los Angeles and London to understand how portable devices mediate relationships to urban spaces and infrastructures.
The authors realised quite quickly that things were changing, based on the different city, but at the same time that everywhere people tried to create their own context inside the city context, generating phenomenon like “cocooning” and “camping” where they try to create their own space for example inside a public space.

Also in the article “Don’t design for “mobile” – design for mobility” the context concept is significant. In the past designers were designing thinking that people would remain in one place for a long period of time, but now the environment around the user is more and more dynamic.
We don’t have to design for the device, but for the context in which the device is being used.