mercoledì 20 febbraio 2008

Analyzing Transactions


Analyzing Transactions

In between yesterday and today Ingrid and I have been analyzing transactions in our everyday environment and around in the city.
We took into consideration many kinds of them and we found out it would be interesting working with the parking system and try to improve it with the RFID technology.

We thought you could give more values to this experience and helping people, making it simpler through RFID technology.
We considered creating a prepaid card for parking connected to a system that enables you to “buy” more time if you are late through a simple sms. The idea is that you would get a remind 15 minutes before the time you set at the parking will expire and if you want to have more time you can just top up your card by sending an sms.

We gave attention also at the system and we think we could create an RFID prepaid card which is valid to pay the entrance to Oslo, the parking in parking houses and the normal parking on the streets. This could be something useful for people driving into the city.

Also the approach to the customers is important, so we want to take care how people will get in touch with this new system, how to get the right target to know about this and to make them to trust it.

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